Program Information

Course Offerings

IBEX300 The Land & the Bible (6)

A regionally-based geographic study of the land of Israel with an emphasis on the biblical period. Attention is given to the interrelationship of geography and geology to history and the subsequent development of civilization in the various regions. Regions studied include Judea, Samaria, Dead Sea, Jordan Rift, Galilee, Golan, Jezreel, Negev, and the Coastal District. (Required of all IBEX semester participants.) Non-Bible Majors may receive G.E. credit for B102 and/or B201.


IBEX312 Modern Hebrew (3)

An introduction to modern Hebrew with attention to reading and conversation skills.


IBEX320 Jewish Thought & Culture (3)

A study of Jewish thought, literature, and culture from the ancient to the modern period. Social, political, cultural, philosophical, and theological developments and contributions will be considered.


IBEX340 History & Society of Modern Israel (3)

This course is a lecture and field-based study of the history and society of the modern State of Israel. The class examines historical events leading up to the formation of modern Israel in 1948, and subsequent significant history to the present time. The class includes hands-on study of the diverse ethnic, political, and religious expression in Israel and the disputed territories (Judea/Samaria/West Bank). Corequisite: IBEX300.


IBEX367 History of Ancient Israel (3)

A careful study of the history of the people and nation of Israel, from Abraham through the restoration period. Special attention is given to the period of the monarchy.


IBEX377 The Life of Christ (3)

An examination of the life of Christ with attention to the historical, cultural, and geographical factors that influenced Christ’s earthly ministry.


IBEX467 New Testament Backgrounds (3)

A seminar covering historical, archaeological, and literary aspects of the Second Temple Period (Herodian-New Testament-Roman). Readings in primary sources, site visits, classroom lecture, and student presentations are required.


The price for a semester in Israel (including tuition, full board and class-related travel expenses) is the same as that of a TMU student living on the California campus, plus the cost of airfare.


Our extension campus is in a private community  near Jerusalem. Facilities include dorms, a cafeteria, a library, a classroom and a student lounge.

Short-Term Programs

Academic study trips (both bachelors and graduate level; 2-4 credits) are sometimes offered during the summer months between regular semesters.


Our extension campus is a private community in the north Judean hill country. Facilities include a dormitory, cafeteria, library, and lecture hall. Wireless access is available at the IBEX campus.


During the semester program, IBEX students participate in various archaeological excavations at ancient sites associated with biblical events. Participants in short-term trips often are able to participate in a “Dig for a Day.”

“The world is a great book, of which they who never stir from home read only a page.”

-Augustine (AD 354-430)