When is chapel? 

Chapel takes place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:10 A.M. -10:20 A.M.

Who is required to attend chapel?

All traditional undergraduate students taking at least nine units at The Master’s University are required to attend chapel.

Am I allowed to miss chapel?

Students are allowed eight misses per semester for cases of illness, emergencies, or other situations. Students accruing more than eight misses will be placed on chapel probation.

Can I save seats? 

You are allowed to save a seat for yourself and one other person after the doors have been opened.

What are the guidelines for chapel dress? 

Chapel dress guidelines are the same as those for classes. Shorts, athletic apparel (including sweatpants and warm-ups), tank tops for men, work overalls, military apparel (unless required by military service) and ragged clothing are not permitted. If you come to chapel in any of these clothing items, you will be asked to return to your dorm to change which may result in you being late to chapel.

What if want to request chapel exemption? 

Chapel exemption applications are available about a month before the semester begins until the add/drop class date (two weeks after classes start). These exemptions are available ONLY to off-campus students with extenuating circumstances. An exemption must be submitted prior to making any job or ministry commitment. Exemptions are granted on a semester-by-semester basis according to the overall weighting of the student’s mandatory responsibilities (work requirements, family, travel time, class units, etc.). Please allow up to two weeks for processing.

Is attendance at the Truth & Life Conference required? 

Yes, all traditional undergraduate students required to attend chapel during the semester are expected to attend all sessions of the Truth and Life Conference. If any session is missed, it will be counted toward your eight allowed misses for the spring semester.

How do I log my church attendance? 

Students are required to submit their church attendance for the previous week using the My Church Attendance link under the Student Life section of TMU Central. The student has until Wednesday to mark the number of church services they attended (2, 1, or 0) in the previous week. Failing to submit any church attendance will be counted as 2 church misses for the week.


What if my chapel or church attendance is incorrect? 

You can email your Resident Director or off-campus assistant, who may give one-time correction at their discretion to your chapel or church attendance.