An intensive study of the syntax and literary features of the Greek New Testament.
Course Highlights
A regionally based geographic study of the land of Israel with an emphasis on the biblical period. Attention is given to the interrelationship of geography and geology to history and the subsequent development of civilization in the various regions. Regions studied include Judea, Samaria, Dead Sea, Jordan Rift, Galilee, Golan, Jezreel, Negev, and the Coastal District.
This course covers topics such as the theological basis of discipleship/counseling, the definition of biblical counseling, the essentials for the discipler/counselor, a comparison of counseling philosophies, and the biblical view of change, guilt, and self-image.
This course is designed to instruct the student in the fundamentals of actual sermon preparation and then how to effectively communicate that message. Attention is given to preparing the heart, selecting the approach, interpreting the text, and delivering the sermon.